SBG Quanta Micro
The SBG Quanta Micro will initialize and set a rough position and elevation after a brief time receiving satellite signals. A rough fix on position and elevation typically occurs within 1-2 minutes after GOBI receives power from the aircraft. Gobi WebUI reports elevation from the Quanta Micro for altitude triggering purposes.
Over the next few minutes (3-6) Quanta Micro will more precisely update its position and elevation. In practicality, users will:
Power the system
See rough elevation reported at time of initialization (~10-20m error)
Elevation may slowly trend towards nominal ground elevation for the next few minutes
Eventually (typically within 4-6 minutes), elevation will rapidly drop and then normalize at nominal ground elevation
When Start Mission is pressed in the Gobi WebUI, SBG Quanta Micro will set the ground elevation at whatever the current estimation is, and begin recording data.
For the purposes of altitude triggering, there are a few best practices to keep in mind.
When flying low altitude flights (<60m AGL), it is best to wait for elevation to fully normalize on the ground prior to Start Mission to ensure accurate in-air realtime elevation reporting to Gobi. If the user takes off before elevation has normalized, after dynamics have been performed, the Quanta Micro will rapidly update its elevation and may report elevations below the data collection threshold, thus not triggering data collection for other sensors.
When flying high altitude flights (>60m AGL), users may feel free to take off as soon as the Std. Dev. in elevation is below 1m and Capture Trigger has changed to a green checkmark, even if elevation has not yet normalized. This is because the buffer between the flight altitude and initial elevation error is large enough that even when elevation error converges to nominal, the aircraft will still be above the data collection threshold.
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