New Project


The tool creates a new plot extraction project.


Default location

  • Output prefix: Prefix for output files (e.g., 2023_Field_1).

  • Output path: Default location for output files.

List of data

  • A list of all datasets (LAS or TIFF) to be used for plot extraction.

  • The tool reads the header of each dataset and checks if the coordinate system is consistent.

Field boundary

  • Base map: Dataset to be loaded as a base map for field boundary creation. For point cloud (LAS) data, the tool creates a digital surface model (DSM) with 10 cm resolution. For raster (TIFF) data, the tool resamples the data to 10 cm resolution (to avoid reading and displaying large image data).

  • Extent (GeoJSON): Polygon that defines the area of interest. Users can load an existing field extent (created using a GIS tool) or create a new one. A sample extent file boundary.geojson is given below.

    "type": "FeatureCollection",
    "crs": {
        "type": "name",
        "properties": {
            "name": "EPSG:32616"
    "features": [{
            "type": "Feature",
            "id": 0,
            "geometry": {
                "type": "Polygon",
                "coordinates": [[
                [499724.000, 4481364.000], 
                [499724.000, 4481264.000], 
                [499825.000, 4481264.000], 
                [499825.000, 4481364.000], 
                [499724.000, 4481364.000]]]
            "properties": {
                "FID": 0,
                "Id": 0

Optional output geometry

  • Centerlines: Outputs centerlines of the plant rows.

  • Centroids: Outputs centroids of the segments.

Trial design information

  • Field name: Name of the field.

  • Unit: Unit used for segment length and width.

  • Origin (magenta): Field trial origin. User can change the origin by double-clicking on a vertex in the graphic view.

  • No. Ranges: Number of ranges in the trial.

  • No. Rows: Number of rows in the trial.

  • Segment Length: Nominal or estimated length of a segment. This parameter is used for calculating default detection parameters and creating as-designed plots.

  • Segment Width: Nominal or estimated width of a segment. This parameter is used for calculating default detection parameters and creating as-designed plots.

  • Segments Per Plot: Number of segments in a plot.


Figure 1 illustrates a field planted in two row plots (the green rectangles represent plants). The parameters corresponding to such planting pattern are:

  • No. ranges: 3

  • No. rows: 6

  • Segments per plot: 2

Last updated