Plot-Based Refinement


The two tools refine segment boundaries according to local field conditions.

  • Refine by Plots: Refines the orientation and length (if specified) for each segment. All segments within a plot will have the same orientation, width, and length.

  • Refine by Segments: Refines each segment's orientation, width, and length.

Automated detection results may be less reliable due to potentially diminished prominence of row and alley signals in a local region.

Use Refine by Plots only when there are multiple segments within a plot.


Refine by Plots

  • Data: Dataset to be used for refinement.

  • Input Plots: Loads the plots (recommend using PREFIX_plots_for_refinement.geojson) and dataset.

  • Segment Width: Width of a segment. The default value is set based on the user input in the project file.

  • Segment Length: Length of a segment. The default value is set based on the user input in the project file.

  • Segments Per Plot: Number of segments in a plot. The default value is set based on the user input in the project file.

  • Adjust Segment Length: Refines the segment length.

  • Ground Filtering by Height (for point cloud): Applies a height threshold to separate the ground and above-ground points. Users can adjust the height threshold using the spin box. This option is only available for point cloud data.

  • Refine and Export: Refines the segment boundaries and export them to the ./plot_refinement folder. Outputs:

    • Refined plots (PREFIX_RP-plots.geojson)

    • (Optional) Centroids (PREFIX_RP-centroids.geojson)

    • (Optional) Centerlines (PREFIX_RP-centerlines.geojson)

Refine by Segments

  • Data: Dataset to be used for refinement.

  • Input Plots: Loads the plots (recommend using PREFIX_plots_as-detected.geojson) and dataset.

  • Minimum Area Threshold: Min area for a bounding box to be output.

  • Vegetation Index Threshold (for image data): Threshold to distinguish vegetation and non-vegetation pixels. Default value is the optimal point of separation based on the data.

  • Ground Filtering by Height (for point cloud): Applies a height threshold to separate the ground and above-ground points. Users can adjust the height threshold using the spin box. This option is only available for point cloud data.

  • Refine and Export: Refines the segment boundaries and export them to the ./plot_refinement folder. Outputs:

    • Refined plots (PREFIX_RS-plots.geojson)

    • (Optional) Centroids (PREFIX_RS-centroids.geojson)

    • (Optional) Centerlines (PREFIX_RS-centerlines.geojson)

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